
Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Learning from Mistakes

What do you think about B.A.D?
You can say:
  1.   unpleasant
  2. full of problems
  3.  bad weather
  4.  bad dream
  5.   bad habit
  6.  bad behavior
  7.  Bad Grammar (may be its me…LOL)
  8. Bad looking
  9. Bad people
But how about Bad-Min-ton (LOL….joking) bad-min-ton is not included what I mean for B.A.D.
Nowadays bad can anywhere, anytime and anyone can become a bad. Trust me or not you can try observing and seeing what happens around you. 

Your sister or brother, mom and dad, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, teacher, roommate and etc. all can cheat on you anytime and anywhere. But it’s no point to not trust them at all. Don’t do that, because B.E.L.I.E.V.E is very important in any kind of relationship. Without trust and Believe you can’t going anywhere and you are nothing.

If you don’t people do something bad to you, don’t do it! 

If you not ready become a bad person, don’t do it because it’s YOU who hurt most.

If people do something bad to you, takes it easy and solve it.
Don’t do something rush because it waste your time. COOL its Right word… -I think-

So, try becoming a patience person from bottom your heart. Bad and Good things always come to us because God wants to test us either we a bad or good person.

KataRatu: Learning from Mistakes